Thursday, September 22, 2022

Emergency Character Meeting; Story Interlude…

Emergency Character Meeting; Story Interlude…

The author stomped into the room; the characters could visibly see that he was irate; quite probably because he was gnashing his teeth restraining himself from flying into a commendable fury. His eyes ablaze, he rounded on Animal and Lia in a rage that transcended pure wrath. His eyes goggled insanely looking very much like a lop-sided bobble head as he gibbered. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU CHARACTERS ARE DOING?! THIS IS MY STORY…THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO! YOU GUYS ARE NOT FOLLOWING ANY DIRECTIONS…WHATSOEVER!" The last was screamed at a volume that made the walls shake.

Lia raised her eyebrows in feigned interest. "Yeah, whatever." She looked over at Animal…looked back at the author, pointing a finger at Animal… "He still sucks! And my answer is still NO!"

"What; you're going to pair me with a shrew?" Animal asked with no small amount of annoyance. Getting up out of his chair, he stomped into the center of the room and growled. "I'm not going to be saddled with a shrew that is going to complain her head off for the remainder of the story about how victimized she is about being paired with me…as if I was so much of a bad person to be with…"

Lia raised a right hand; index finger raised. "Of course you had to play whiny ex-aviator…and take it out on the entire JAG office, you officious piece of work."

"That's not my fault…" Animal complained. "You didn't have to be so hostile at the start."

"You started it…"

"I did not! No YOU were the one who started it…"




"QUIET!" The author roared, veins sticking out in his head. If the two stubborn characters didn't stop it soon, he'd probably blow a vein or something.

"Maybe we should just stick'em in a room and let 'em go at each other…" Harm snickered watching the interplay between Lia and Animal. "They'll either kill each other or they'll screw themselves into exhaustion."

Meg sat in her chair quietly stewing. "Well…that's all fine well and good…" she huffed angrily at him. "You were such an asshole to me in that office, I doubt I'm going to talk to you again. Stuffed-headed egotistical aviator."

"Yeah, well…you disappeared for ages…left me to rot wondering where you were…" Harm said irritably. "You think I wouldn't have been heart-broken?"

"Yeah, well, blame the Season 1 writers…" Meg snapped back. "They were the ones who put me in that situation…and the Season 2 writers who shipped me off to Timbuktu. I come back, thanks to this author and I have to put up with a sulky, whiny ex-aviator…"

"…and take it out on you…" Harm finished. "Well, I'm sorry if I've been an ass, but this last year hasn't been a great one…" he turned on that megawatt grin of his.

"…and that's your excuse?" Meg grumbled. Damn that aviator. Never could resist that smile.

Maegyn looked over at Mac. "So, what's it like being the other woman in this story?"

Mac turned apoplectic at that. "What do you mean… OTHER WOMAN?!"

The author threw up his hands…in one corner he could see Animal and Lia arguing like two wildcats, Harm and Meg in a clinch that threatened to turn x-rated and Maegyn and Mac glaring daggers with each other. This meeting wasn't going to work. He grumbled more to himself than could be audible to the rest of the characters in the room. "I swear to God, I'm going to get Jack Keeter in here…That'll straighten this mess out!" and stomped out of the room.

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